Application Path & User Path

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Application Path

In this directory you'll find all application files (executables), the current language file BLOGDESK.LNG and the special configuration file BLOGDESK.CFG.

If you don't know where this directory is located, open the Help menu, select Info and then More Info.


User Path

While working with BlogDesk, a lot of data is created, e.g. the blog configuration, the options or the archive with saved posts. All this User Data is stored in the User Path which contains several sub-directories.

By default the User Path is located in an area reserved by Windows for this very purpose: the Application Data of the respective user. For user Carlo this could be:

C:\Documents and Settings\Carlo\Application Data\

Under this directory you'll find, amongst many other folders, the folder with your BlogDesk User Data:

C:\...\Carlo\Application Data\BlogDesk\UserData

Normaly you shouldn't worry about this folder. But if you want to backup your personal data or copy it to a different computer, well, then you have to know where this data is located. And if you need to, you can even change the location.

If you want to find the User Path, open the Help menu, select Info and then More Info.


Change User Path

You can change the User Path if necessary. It make sense, for example, to have all personal data on a central server or on a specific partition to make backups easier.

If you want BlogDesk to use a different location for the User Path, you have to edit the configuration file BLOGDESK.CFG. This file is located in the Application Path (see above) and can be edited with any Text Editor (e.g. Notepad). Search for the UserPath entry in the [Main] section and edit its value. Here is an example:



Take care of not changing other values while editing the file. If you ever want to restore the default value, just delete the line with the UserPath entry.


Complete Directory Structure

You should not worry about this section, it's provided just for information purpose. You'll find here Application Path and User Path listed with their respective sub-directories.


Application Path with all the program files.


Default files for new users.


Default dictionaries for spell check.


Available language files.




User Path with files belonging to the user.


Blogs configuration files.


Custom dictionaries for spell check.


Saved, but not yet published posts.


Files for Notebook, Phrases and Technorati-Tags.


Images used within posts.


Archive of published posts.


Additional sub-directories for saving published posts.


Templates and Master-Templates.